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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
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I never let a day go by that I don’t remember the life God took me out of. Some say it’s better to forget, I say never forget. I remind myself every day and replay the images of that life in the back of my mind to stay humble and broken before the Lord. The day you become complacent, the moment you display ungratefulness, that is the moment you are backslidden. Being “clean” is easy. Longevity is hard. God wants us to be fruitful, to be true to Him and His word. This keeps me going every day. I can never do enough to show my gratitude for the precious blood of Jesus, but every day, I give my all to win one more soul to God’s kingdom.
Pastor Fabian Ybarra
(DSM Executive Director)
Kay Vargas
I have been facilitating a Bible Study at the DSM for the past year. It has truly been edifying to experience life change with the students in my class. I am both blessed and honored to be allowed to personally witness their transformation as they draw closer to God and begin healing from past wounds. My goal is to help and equip them to achieve their God given potential. I am blessed by this program. ​
I’ve been in a lot of ministries, but never one like this. Today, I am being taught to follow authority, that I need supervision and discipline. I’m also being shown unconditional love, learning how to be faithful and available and to remain teachable. I’m submitting to my pastor and my leaders and learning how to be obedient, because the Bible says, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”
Pastor Fabian is truly making a difference one soul, one family, one community at a time through the power of Jesus Christ. My life has true meaning now. TODAY I know that God has a vision, plan, and purpose for my life. God has brought my family back into my life. The best is yet to come. There is so much to learn.
What will God do next? All I have to do is stay, pray, and obey, and God does the rest.
I’d like to thank Pastor Fabian and his family for opening the doors to a guy like me. I was tore up from the floor up, beat up from the feet up. The world saw me as a nobody, but Jesus says I am a somebody. Today, if anyone is struggling with addiction or homelessness, I recommend the Discipleship School of Ministry. The love is here. All you have to do is surrender to Jesus like I did and have and maintain a willingness to change. Believe God can make the impossible possible—expect a miracle!
Richard Apolinar
(DSM graduate)
During my time in [the] county [jail], I got clean and back into my Bible. [After my release,] God directed me to a church, and then brought me to the Discipleship School of Ministry (DSM), where I am now finding my true purpose.
The Discipleship School of Ministry is very encouraging and uplifting. I’ve learned not to be so stern and hard. I’ve learned to submit and receive. It’s got a beautiful atmosphere, with a very loving and helping congregation.
I honestly would like to see more brothers and sisters being restored and helped. Many people come by, but we are only able to take in only so many. I believe this is a [place] that preaches and teaches accurately the Word and can do a lot of good for many more.
Mark Silva
(Current (6/22) DSM student)
My son left a very profitable job to enroll at the DSM. He went through Phase One very quickly. He viewed Pastor Fabian as another father and considered the guys at the DSM family. He was able to talk openly to Pastor and Ms. Annette about his problems. My son, Ivan, loved the DSM. He was a good student for the Lord and aa good student in the dorm. He is my hero.
Will Ault
(parent of a DSM student)